Hawaiian Beach Lights by Sophie Thomas

Hawaiian Beach Lights by Sophie Thomas


Hawaiian Beach Lights by Sophie Thomas


Co-director of the RSA Sophie Thomas launches our Everyday Things collection for Earth Hour with lights that switch on with a purpose.

“Kamilo Beach Point is one of the most Southern points of North America, difficult to get to and very close to the Pacific garbage patch. It has always been known as a place where things turn up. After a storm, fishermen would always go there to find uprooted trees to construct their fishing boats from. And now it is known as ‘trash beach’ because of all the rubbish that floats up and lands there.”

“When I went to Kamilo Beach Point last year I found all these mad things on the beach, from tiny plastic  nurdles to big detergent bottles, from toothbrushes to umbrella handles to shoes – things that would look commonplace in your house, but which look completely out of place on a beach. I started to pick up blue plastic bottle necks, all with rough edges where they had been mistaken for food and nibbled by fish and birds. They reminded me of the fairy lights on my tree, so I turned them into these Hawaiian Beach Lights, complete with low voltage bulbs. Back at home where they began, and more beautiful as lights than rubbish at your beach party.”
“The red lights are companion pieces I made from American detergent bottles. Because they were red, I knew they would be downcycled so I decided to put them to better use. Fitted with low voltage bulbs, they give off the most beautiful red glow, turning their downcycling disadvantage into a beautiful reuse asset.”

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