Bank Note by James Joyce

Bank Note by James Joyce


Bank Note by James Joyce


Everyday Things for Earth Hour day 17, taking the image of the Queen on the five pound note and showing her overindulging herself in brands of our day, illustrator James Joyce has screen-printed a provocative warning of the dangers of overconsumption and how it can harm both our mental health and our environment.

“The effect of overconsumption environmentally is significant. A lot of us own too much stuff and still we buy even more stuff. Apple have somehow convinced the world that they need a new £600 phone every year. The idea of the altered bank note was to somehow get the consumer to question their personal consumption whilst at the same time highlighting excessive consumption as a global obsession. The adjusted image of the queen to a brand-obsessed, selfie-taking, shopaholic hopefully raises the question in the mind of the viewer – do I really need all of this stuff?”


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