Buy Less, Play More by Constanza Gaggero

Buy Less, Play More by Constanza Gaggero


Buy Less, Play More by Constanza Gaggero


Since the first Barbie emerged in 1959, all fantastic in plastic, there have been over six thousand different models of the famous doll. She has been a teacher, an astronaut, a business executive, an aerobics instructor, a McDonald’s server, and even a rapper, and she has sold in ridiculous numbers – Mattel estimate that three are bought every second. We hunger to acquire the latest Barbie, part of a cultural obsession with having the latest of anything and everything.

It is an obsession our children do not have to grow up with. Children develop through play. But while their development is enormously complex, they are stimulated by the simplest things. A child’s imagination is sparked as much by home made toys as by the latest model of a plastic supermodel.

The developed world currently consumes resources at a rate thirty two times greater than that of the developing world. To put it bluntly, we vastly over-consume. Amid the search for instant gratification, for the latest model, for the newest, shiniest, brightest toy, it is good to remember that we can make our own fun.


What you can do: Rather than heading to the nearest Toys “R” Us engage your DIY skills – Buzzfeed provides some inspiration with a list of the 39 best kids toys you can make yourself.


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